Donate to TriLUG

TriLUG was formed to help, educate, and entertain residents at or near the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill region of North Carolina who were interested in Linux.

Our main sources of funding have been donations either by sponsors and by what is dropped in our "pizza donation cup." Some members have expressed interest in helping but asked for a way to donate without having to be at the meeting. We created this donation page to facilitate that.

What do these donations support?

Donations and sponsorship are entirely used to support present and future TriLUG activities including monthly meetings, conferences, and future activities to benefit the members.

How to support?

1. You can donate directly by entering an amount below and clicking on "Make Donation." After the donation is made you will receive a confirmation e-mail.


TriLUG Donation ( in dollars )


Do note that as of right now those donations are not tax deductible. In the past year, our charitable registration, IRS classification 503(c)3, lapsed. We have instituted procedures to ensure that this would not happen again, but we first need to reinstate that registration. Part of these donations will be used to get the registration back.

2. You can be stylish with your donation and buy some TriLUG Swag! We have shirts and hoodies available at Amazon . All proceeds are applied back into the club.

Thank you for supporting TriLUG with a donation to the cause.