June 18 Workshop and Hack Night
Topic: Workshop on Open-source Phones and TriLUG Infrastructure
When: Thursday, 18th June 2015, 7pm - 9pm
Where: Splat Space; 800 N Mangum St, Durham, NC 27701; and #trilug-sys on freenode
Parking: See http://splatspace.org/location/
Map: Google Maps
(Also showing on the Splat Space Meetup page.)
Work on a personal project, hone your skills, or try something you learned about at a recent meeting. While you're at it, help us maintain the TriLUG infrastructure.
Maybe you can bring an old phone down and see if CyanogenMod or another free OS can be flashed onto it, or play around with other free software available on your phone.
This month we continue tweaking our offsite backups, take the first steps down the path to the next incarnation of our infrastructure, and set up a group infrastructure git repository. Come on down and dig in!